
Providence Mutual Leadership

John B. Trevor, IV, CFP®

John B. Trevor, IV, CFP®
Certified Financial Planner®
Parsons Capital Management, Inc.

John B. Trevor, IV, was elected to the Board of Directors February 26, 2019. John, a Certified Financial Planner® with over 15 years’ experience, is employed at Parsons Capital Management, Inc. in Providence, RI. John is a Managing Director and oversees technology for the company in addition to clients with financial planning and investment management. Prior to joining Parsons Capital Management, John worked for Slocum, Gordon & Company, and investment firm in Newport, RI. He is a former trustee for the Gordon School in East Providence, RI where he currently serves on its investment committee. He has served on the Audubon Society of RI Board of Directors and was chair of their investment committee. John is the Treasurer of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Fishers Island, NY and is a permanent Deacon at Central Congregational Church in Providence, RI. He is a Trustee of the IGWE Trust, LLC and a member of the Financial Planning Association of RI. John graduated from University of Colorado with a BA in Political Science. He received his MBA from the University of Rhode Island and completed the Financial Planning certification program at Bryant University.

Expertise: Cybersecurity, Finance, Investment, Leadership & Management and Technology